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Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Financial Analysis on Nokia from 2008 to 2009 Research Paper
Money related Analysis on Nokia from 2008 to 2009 - Research Paper Example The Working Capital proportions show how well the organization can deal with its working capital. The benefit the board proportions are otherwise called working capital proportions or the effectiveness proportions. The point is to gauge how successfully the firm is dealing with its advantages. (Netcom, n.d.)The following are a portion of the working capital proportions which show the effectiveness of the organization in dealing with its working capital. Liquidity proportion is characterized as a class of money related measurements that are utilized to decide an organization's capacity to take care of its momentary obligations obligations.Generally, the higher the estimation of the proportion, the bigger is the edge of security that the organization has to cover transient obligations. (Investopedia, 2009) The above table demonstrates that the organization has effectively dealt with its working capital during the year finishing September 2009 when contrasted with the year 2008. Nokia is keeping up an agreeable current proportion and the current proportion of 1.5 infers that the organization has adequate current resources circumstance which will empower the organization to meet its present liabilities with no issue. Notwithstanding, the organization has expanded its drawn out obligations during the year 2009 with the outcome that there is an expansion in this proportion. This suggests the organization will acquire extra intrigue costs on obtained reserves. The income to obligations circumstance has along these lines moved to an unfriendly circumstance in 2009 when contrasted with the previous year. In 2008 the income position of the organization was agreeable enough to settle the present moment and long haul obligations in only 7 months. Though, with the expansion in long haul obligations and the income from tasks it would take around 3.8 years for the organization to settle the obligations. This is certifiably not a decent situation from the value investors' perspective. In any case, the reason for which the drawn out assets were assembled is to be determined for a legitimate support for the expansion in obligations. The quantity of days deals extraordinary is another working capital proportion that shows the productivity of the working capital administration of the organization. This proportion has transformed from the earlier year figure of 70 days to 83 days. This infers the organization has not had the option to gather the remarkable records receivable as effectively as it was doing in 2008. Be that as it may, the expansion in credit deals may be another purpose behind the adjustment in this proportion. At the point when the organization has offered increasingly liberal credit terms to its wholesalers and sellers so as to help its deals, that circumstance may have brought about expanded borrowers and the subsequent increment in the quantity of days deals exceptional. A more fragile deals condition is shown by the expansion in the quantity of days stock communicated as a proportion to the expense of merchandise sold. There is an amassing of stock because of lower deals which is demonstrated by the adjustment in this proportion. Â
Saturday, 22 August 2020
The Aquilealand Accounting Standard Board Accounting Essay Free Essays
This expectation of this investigation is to offer guidance on the advancement of a bookkeeping standard for worker benefits. Five unique occupations sing representative advantages will be analyzed and each employment will be identified with a bookkeeping build. Proposals will be recommended for these employments each piece great. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Aquilealand Accounting Standard Board Accounting Essay or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now All representatives work in standpoint of being remunerated a short time later, or in progress in certain cases. Shaft and Mcfadden ( 2001 ) determine worker benefits as â€Å" all advantages and administrations, other than remunerations for cut worked that are given to representatives in entire or in partition by their managers †. These advantages incorporate sick foliages, clinical disbursals, occasion fillips and numerous others. In this way, it is vital that there are sure guidelines sing these advantages that will keep the privileges of the representatives. In the immature province of Aquilealand, we do non hold our ain applied model, and consequently we embrace the IASB ‘s model. Aquilealand Accounting Standards Board should utilize another basis for representative advantages and this will be utilized by all organizations in Aquilealand. There are a few occupations refering worker benefits which should be investigated in profundity, some of them will be talked abo ut in the undermentioned passages. Issue ( 1 ) : Recognition of total compensations and losingss beginning from program resources One of the employments referenced during the creation the bookkeeping basis for Aquilealand is the affirmation of anticipated return of program resources. In the assault V IASB expected return ought to be perceived and rejected from the benefits administration cost. In any case, expectation of any future return includes an enormous whole of uncertainness ( Pastor, 2001 ) . Orchestrating to Pastor it is extremely hard to predict expected return in any event, using numerical hypothetical records dispassionately. The ground is that abstraction and feeling largy affect this method ( Pastor, 2001 ) . This reality is interfering with the objectiveness develop of the Regulatory Framework. Fitting to this build, chronicles ought to be liberated from feeling and ought to be estimated by all individuals in a similar way ( Alexander et Al ) . In add-on, affirmation of anticipated return, which is unfulfilled return, might be misleading data for the clients of monetary proclamations. As it is non conceivable to douse the assessment factor in the strategy of calculation of anticipated return, organizations ought to non perceive the normal profit for program resources until it is really picked up. That will thwart the breakage of the objectiveness develop. This may other than help to gracefully progressively exact data about the monetary situation of the organization to the clients of financial explanations. Just acknowledged profit for program resources ought to be perceived. In add-on, organizations ought to be required to open up the data about change of program in addition to in the one-year study ; non as the bit of the announcement of extensive salary yet as a different development. Issue ( 2 ) : Disclosures There are three fundamental issues that can be of import to be uncovered in financial articulations. To begin with, clarify in inside informations the attributes and dangers associated with its characterized advantage programs. Next, show the outcome of characterized advantage programs on the element ‘s future hard cash stream and which identified with timing, vulnerability and wholes. At long last, clarify the numerical data that is engaged with the monetary articulations bring forthing from its characterized benefits program ( PWC, 2011 ) . Be that as it may, there are numerous requests for disclosures which may be difficult to utilize. An organization needs to flexibly expand data about the monetary occasions so as to run into three things in light of the fact that the clients of financial proclamations need to gauge numerical data ( KPMG, 2011 ) . Moreover, affectability investigation disclosure is given basically on the characterized advantage obligation, in spite of the fact that IASB regions that, ‘sensitivity examination on the net characterized advantage risk ( resources ) ‘ can be increasingly utile. In any case, it is unmistakably progressively hard and confused to ship out ( on the same page. ) . Moreover, disclosures for multi-manager programs are by and by expanded in light of the fact that more data connected with multi-boss ought to be uncovered, for example, bolster understanding ( PWC, 2011 ) . Orchestrating to the materiality develop, monetary proclamations are set up to work the clients to do the correct assurance. Thusly, all data that may affect their assurance ought to be associated with financial explanations. As an outcome, disclosure rule is essentially connected with materiality since all the quantitative and subjective data ought to be associated with monetary articulation, for example, bookkeeping arrangements and significant occasions ( Jan, O. , 2010 ) . As referenced previously, there are a few suggestions that ought to be considered for representative advantages disclosure. To start with, the organizations required to unwraping the of import data engaged with financial proclamations to satisfy the outside clients and help them to get data and do right assurance ( PWC, 2013 ) . In add-on, the organizations should use account portrayal of financial data, for example, liabilities fiting so the perusers can comprehend composed data. Issue ( 3 ) : Termination benefits In light of the definition in IAS 19, lapse benefits are the advantages for those workers whose vocations are intentionally or automatically ended before the ordinary retirement day of the month. Thusly, termination advantages ought to be perceived as a risk and a disbursal in substance ‘s financial examination. For case, willful termination advantages ought to be perceived when they are given as ‘a result of an offer made so as to advance deliberate repetition ‘ ( Alexander, Britton A ; Jorissen, 2011: 525 ) . On the different manus, as the name infers, nonvoluntary lapse advantages ought to be perceived when the business is ended automatically, for example, excusal. Be that as it may, for affirmation in monetary bookkeeping, it is essential to premier make up one’s brain when and the amount it ought to be perceived. In this manner, the disbursal of the termination advantages ought to have the option to be communicated in cash, which is other than known as one of the monetary bookkeeping shows named ‘monetary estimating ‘ ( Alexander, Britton A ; Jorissen, 2011 ) . Moreover, other than the total to recognize, it is other than should be expected to discover the clasp to recognize. For case, to recognize the nonvoluntary termination benefits each piece in the blink of an eye as the representatives are discerning of the lapse or at the clasp they leave the element ought to be directed. In light of the guidance of monetary bookkeeping shows, the aggregate and the clasp for the affirmation could be simple decided. To start with, taking history of the financial estimating show, element should ensure the lapse benefits in its excusal program could be estimated. So also, the advantages remembered for the offer that substance accommodates intentional termination ought to other than be mensurable. Moreover, blending to the gatherings show, the disbursal of the substance ought to be perceived and recorded each piece in the blink of an eye as the utilization of the disbursal is resolved ( Alexander, Britton A ; Jorissen, 2011 ) . Along these lines, nonvoluntary termination advantages ought to be perceived at the clasp when substance authoritatively notice the representatives influenced in its excusal program. In any case, for the individuals who have traded their termination benefits for future administrations, the obligation of their advantages ought to be perceived over t he future time frame. Finally, willful termination advantages ought to be perceived when the representatives acknowledge the offer made in other to advance intentional repetition. Issue ( 4 ) : Post-business benefits Post-business benefits implies the staff Begin having retirement benefits, for representation, retirement benefits and other post-work benefits after finished a business relationship ( BDO, 2013 ) . Furthermore, there are two classs of post-business benefits programs. One is characterized part programs, another is characterized advantage programs ( in the same place. ) . As a rule, DCP ( which represent characterized part programs ) implies workers ‘ retirement program benefits was saved financess from the organization ‘s one-year overall gain ( Investopedia, n.d. ) . Bookkeeping mediation is relatively straightforward. In any case, the obligations attempted of the worker is non rather clear. In this manner, the thing of the taking care of is the business should do the part towards the current help and have no obligation to give abundance part for past assistance ( Towers Watson, n.d. ) . For DBP ( which represent characterized advantage programs ) , it is a retirement pr ogram that worker benefits are arranged blending to an articulation using components, for example, length of administration and pay history, which was supported by the business ( Investopedia, n.d. ) . Blending to Towers Watson [ n.d. ] , attributable to actuarial increases and losingss and front help costs are conceded, resulting in the benefits risk that are non truly required to shoulder the obligations. The arrangement is in a split second affirmation of actuarial increases and losingss and front help cost. The undermentioned explicit examples are: dropping actuarial augmentations and losingss using the passage assault, take actuarial increments and losingss that are perceived in net gain and deficit commissariats and require every single actuarial expansion and losingss ought to be perceived in a flash in other thorough salary ( OCI ) . Moreover, past assistance cost ought to non be conceded amortization furthermore require to be perceived in a flash when caused ( on the same p age. ) . Other than IAS 19 modifications in the technique for look, administration cost and net contribution salary or disbursal perceived in overall gain
Friday, 21 August 2020
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #5 New Releases for June 9, 2015
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #5 New Releases for June 9, 2015 This week, Liberty and Rebecca discuss A Perfect Crime, The Magicians Land, The Sunken Cathedral, and more new releases. This episode is sponsored by ProjectEd and the Book Riot summer reading box. Subscribe to All the Books! using RSS or iTunes and never miss a beat book. Books discussed on the show: A Perfect Crime by A Yi People Who Eat Darkness: The True Story of a Young Woman Who Vanished from the Streets of Tokyoand the Evil That Swallowed Her Up by Richard Lloyd Perry Red : A History of the Redhead by Jacky Colliss Harvey The Sunken Cathedral by Kate Walbert The Magician’s Land by Lev Grossman The Girls from Corona del Mar by Rufi Thorpe Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County: A Family, a Virginia Town, a Civil Rights Battle by Kristen Green Reading Lives #28: Liberty Hardy What were reading: The Witches: Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff Jonathan Strange Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke More books out today: The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrow The Domino Diaries: My Decade Boxing with Olympic Champions and Chasing Hemingways Ghost in the Last Days of Castros Cuba by Brin-Jonathan Butler The Hope of Floating Has Carried Us This Far by Quintan Ana Wikswo Null Set by Ted Mathys To Hold the Bridge by Garth Nix American Meteor by Norman Lock Alive by Chandler Baker The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm Second Life by S.J. Watson Crazy Mountain Kiss by Keith McCafferty Beyond the Pale White Women, Racism, and History by Vron Ware The Sun Gods by Jay Rubin Moods by Yoel Hoffmann Midnights Furies: The Deadly Legacy of Indias Partition by Nisid Hajari Were Still Here Ya Bastards: How the People of New Orleans Rebuilt Their City by Roberta Brandes Gratz The Hopeful by Tracy O’Neill The Wolf Border by Sarah Hall The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen The Clockwork Crown by Beth Cato That Thing You Do With Your Mouth: The Sexual Autobiography of Samantha Matthews as Told to David Shields by David Shields, Samantha Matthews Safekeeping by Jessamyn Hope A Brief History of Portable Literature by Enrique Vila-Matas Valley Fever by Katherine Taylor No Harm Can Come to a Good Man by James Smythe The Middle Notebookes by Nathanaël I Saw a Man by Owen Sheers Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton Amber to Ashes by Gail McHugh All the Single Ladies by Dorothea Benton Frank Happily Ali After: And Other Fairly True Tales by Ali Wentworth Awesome Sh*T My Drill Sergeant Said by Dan Caddy Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella The Coloring Book: A Comedian Solves Race Relations in America by Colin Quinn The Ultimate Betrayal by Kimberla Lawson Roby Breaking Point by Jefferson Bass Trusting Liam by Molly McAdams Watch the Lady by Elizabeth Fremantle Louisa Meets Bear by Lisa Gornick Third Wife by Lisa Jewell The Darkling Child: The Defenders of Shannara by Terry Brooks The Fixer by Joseph Finder Blueprints by Barbara Delinsky The Book of Numbers by Joshua Cohen Hardcovers now in paperback: The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah A Girl is a Half-formed Thing by Eimear McBride Love Me Back by Merritt Tierce Painted Horses by Malcolm Brooks John Quincy Adams: American Visionary by Fred Kaplan ____________________ Expand your literary horizons with New Books!, a weekly newsletter spotlighting 3-5 exciting new releases, hand-picked by our very own Liberty Hardy. Sign up now!
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #5 New Releases for June 9, 2015
All the Books! Podcast, Episode #5 New Releases for June 9, 2015 This week, Liberty and Rebecca discuss A Perfect Crime, The Magicians Land, The Sunken Cathedral, and more new releases. This episode is sponsored by ProjectEd and the Book Riot summer reading box. Subscribe to All the Books! using RSS or iTunes and never miss a beat book. Books discussed on the show: A Perfect Crime by A Yi People Who Eat Darkness: The True Story of a Young Woman Who Vanished from the Streets of Tokyoand the Evil That Swallowed Her Up by Richard Lloyd Perry Red : A History of the Redhead by Jacky Colliss Harvey The Sunken Cathedral by Kate Walbert The Magician’s Land by Lev Grossman The Girls from Corona del Mar by Rufi Thorpe Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County: A Family, a Virginia Town, a Civil Rights Battle by Kristen Green Reading Lives #28: Liberty Hardy What were reading: The Witches: Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff Jonathan Strange Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke More books out today: The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrow The Domino Diaries: My Decade Boxing with Olympic Champions and Chasing Hemingways Ghost in the Last Days of Castros Cuba by Brin-Jonathan Butler The Hope of Floating Has Carried Us This Far by Quintan Ana Wikswo Null Set by Ted Mathys To Hold the Bridge by Garth Nix American Meteor by Norman Lock Alive by Chandler Baker The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm Second Life by S.J. Watson Crazy Mountain Kiss by Keith McCafferty Beyond the Pale White Women, Racism, and History by Vron Ware The Sun Gods by Jay Rubin Moods by Yoel Hoffmann Midnights Furies: The Deadly Legacy of Indias Partition by Nisid Hajari Were Still Here Ya Bastards: How the People of New Orleans Rebuilt Their City by Roberta Brandes Gratz The Hopeful by Tracy O’Neill The Wolf Border by Sarah Hall The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen The Clockwork Crown by Beth Cato That Thing You Do With Your Mouth: The Sexual Autobiography of Samantha Matthews as Told to David Shields by David Shields, Samantha Matthews Safekeeping by Jessamyn Hope A Brief History of Portable Literature by Enrique Vila-Matas Valley Fever by Katherine Taylor No Harm Can Come to a Good Man by James Smythe The Middle Notebookes by Nathanaël I Saw a Man by Owen Sheers Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton Amber to Ashes by Gail McHugh All the Single Ladies by Dorothea Benton Frank Happily Ali After: And Other Fairly True Tales by Ali Wentworth Awesome Sh*T My Drill Sergeant Said by Dan Caddy Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella The Coloring Book: A Comedian Solves Race Relations in America by Colin Quinn The Ultimate Betrayal by Kimberla Lawson Roby Breaking Point by Jefferson Bass Trusting Liam by Molly McAdams Watch the Lady by Elizabeth Fremantle Louisa Meets Bear by Lisa Gornick Third Wife by Lisa Jewell The Darkling Child: The Defenders of Shannara by Terry Brooks The Fixer by Joseph Finder Blueprints by Barbara Delinsky The Book of Numbers by Joshua Cohen Hardcovers now in paperback: The Monogram Murders by Sophie Hannah A Girl is a Half-formed Thing by Eimear McBride Love Me Back by Merritt Tierce Painted Horses by Malcolm Brooks John Quincy Adams: American Visionary by Fred Kaplan ____________________ Expand your literary horizons with New Books!, a weekly newsletter spotlighting 3-5 exciting new releases, hand-picked by our very own Liberty Hardy. Sign up now!
Sunday, 24 May 2020
The Role Of Follower As A Leader - 2019 Words
Leadership Scholarly Paper What is a leader and what is a follower? In any organized structure, business, or grouping these two key positions will be represented. Chaleff (2009) stated that if one looked up the subject of leadership they would be bombarded with numerous titles on the subject, but if one looked up the follower they would most likely only find the subject as it relates to leaders. The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of the follower as compared with a leader. This is followed by examine two types of interaction between leadership and followers. These interactions will be illustrated through clinical situations using staff nurses. Finally this paper will examine the power and responsible of a staff nurse as a follower without any official authority. Effective Follower Leader To understand the concept of an effective follower one must first examine the leader as it has much more information write about it. Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2013) are quick to point out what a leader is not and that is a manager. They discuss how a leader and manager though commonly thought to be the same thing are in fact very different with a manager be a position that is gained or granted and leadership is a quality and ability to inspire others (Porter-O’Grady Malloch, 2013). Dr. Michael Blelch (2014) states that during his study of the theory of leadership he discovered that the concept was constantly changing, evolving and adapting. There are several types ofShow MoreRelatedLeadership Is It An Art Or A Science? Essay1714 Words  | 7 Pageswith strong leaders, not all is lost. Leadership is ever evolving and many aspects of effective leadership can be gained through experience and education. Leadership is a complex product that is a fundamental part of organizational triumph. 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Thursday, 14 May 2020
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
The Indian Independence Movement Of India - 1129 Words
In my research paper I am going to be focusing in on the later half on the Indian independence movement (1918-1947) leading up till the riots that caused the partition of India. This means that I will be analyzing the complete territory of India that was present during that time period. There are several reasons I am focusing in on this time period. First I will be researching about the independence movement which eventually led to the Indian Independence Act of 1947 and then see how that leads to the partition of India. This specific time period is extremely important in Indian history because the consequences and impacts of independence and the partition still live on today. There are many aspects of this topic that interest me. One man in particular, Mohandas Gandhi, was one of the main reasons I chose this topic. His influence and drive as well has ideals and philosophies were some other main reasons I picked this topic. Also, I really wanted to learn more about how Indian was broken apart due becoming independent, and how many people actually suffered during this time. Additionally, my entire extended family lives in India. Both my mom and dad were present to see the partition of India, and essentially I just wanted to learn more about their experience. My grandparents were present during the time of Gandhi, and they constantly tell me how he inspired people to not use violence but to instead use their heads. Shukla 2 All in all, this topic strikes reallyShow MoreRelatedIndia Challenges Of India s Indian Movement Of Independence1477 Words  | 6 Pageschallenges British rule in India When one imagines of the early 1940s’ Indian movement of independence, one figure readily clicks into the mind; the popular Mahatma Gandhi, who was an immensely leader in India. He was nicknamed Mahatma by most of his countrymen, a name that meant â€Å"The Great Soul†. This leader led to a remarkable change of the world far much beyond his sacrificial and successful struggle that led to the end of the British imperial rule in his nation, India. Gandhi believed in his philosophyRead MoreThe American Revolution and Indias Independence Movement Essays1455 Words  | 6 Pages Systems of governance and authority can have a profound influence on the development of human societies. For example, the major influence of the British Empire in the development of Indian and American human societies. All types of governments – from local politics to federal bureaucracies to huge empires – maintain their authority through specific techniques, including fostering a shared identity (nationalism), developing economic interdependence, and sometimes using overt force. 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The British wanted to take over India, but India wanted freedom as well since it’s their country not the British. Although politics and nationalism were important causes of the Indian Independence Movement, the mostRead MoreMahatma Gandhi : The First War Of Indian Independence1096 Words  | 5 Pagessoul who was a freedom fighter, father of the nation and he was called ‘Bapu’ in the India. He took India to a totally new level by employing movements like non-violence, civil disobedience and civil rights during India’s freedom struggle with the British. He was fasting for purification, and respect for all religions. The British government rule in India under crown rule, ending a century of control of the Ea st India Company. The life and death struggle that preceded this formalisation of BritishRead MoreIndia s Break From The British Raj1652 Words  | 7 Pagesintrigued by India with its beautiful land and culture, but in my years of school I have never learned too much about it and had always wondered why there was such a heavy British influence there. Little did I know, this English influence began long before I imagined and will mostly likely continue to exist for quite some time. Furthermore, I have chosen to research and write about India’s break from the British Raj (rule) of almost 100 years of imperialism. The leader I chose in this movement that provedRead MoreMohandas Gandhis Struggl for India’s Independence Essay1571 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout his lifetime, Mohandas Gandhi with great patience struggled for the goal of India’s independence (Mohandas Gandhi. ABC-CLIO). The world widely celebrates him because of his enormous efforts towards the goal with perseveranc e and dedication (Wakin, Eric. â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). Though he faced huge penalties, he did not lost perseverance but he constantly campaigned against the powerful whites (Wakin, Eric. â€Å"Gandhi, Mohandas K.†). As he strongly supported nonviolence, Gandhi campaignedRead MoreIndia was granted independence from the British on 15 August 1947. Her to path independence was not1300 Words  | 6 PagesIndia was granted independence from the British on 15 August 1947. Her to path independence was not because of one person or just one movement. It was rather a collection of multiple events which were both violent and nonviolent in nature. In essence the Indian Independence Movement lasted nearly a century starting with the Sepoy rebellion(1857) to the formation of the Indian National Congress to the Salt Satyagraha(1929) to the Quit India Movement (1942) and finally Independence in the 1947. InRead MoreMahatma Gandhi - Father of Modern India1734 Words  | 7 Pa gesModern India – Sky W. During the late 1800’s, India was yet again being taken over by another conquering nation (Britain). The British were not the first to do this, but followed in the footsteps of the Greek and Persian invasions of the 5th Century BC. Though the control factor remained the same, the way the British went about doing it – gradual and subtle – was not the same method the Persians or the Greeks used of an immediate and simple takeover. If India were to retrieve its independence fromRead MoreEssay about Gandhi and his passive Resistace to Great Britain in War I1040 Words  | 5 Pages Mohandas Gandhi nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as mahatma Gandhi, was a Indian nationalist leader, who established his countrys freedom through a nonviolent revolution. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gandhi became a leader in a difficult struggle, the Indian campaign for home rule. He believed and dedicated his life to demonstrating that both individuals and nations owe it to themselves to stay free, and to allow the same freedom to others. Gandhi was one
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